
Are you confused about what to give to your friends and co-workers as Christmas Gift this year? Well, you need not worry- we have come up with a comprehensive list of all the things that you could gift your colleagues within a budget!
There are many moments and days that are meant to be celebrated throughout the year, and Christmas is one of them. It can have a lot of different meanings and significance for various individuals but there’s one thing that all festivals symbolize- togetherness and happiness. Be it Holi, Diwali, Eid or even Christmas- all festivals, big or small, are meant to be celebrated together with friends and families.
Christmas celebrations, in recent years, have become more intimate and joyous, even at workplaces. Basic Christmas celebrations and office-wide games like Secret Santa have now become a workplace staple. And if you are feeling stuck on what you give to your desk partner or a co-worker, you have come to the right place. Listed below are some amazing secret Santa Christmasgifts ideas (and some not so secret Santa Christmas gift ideas) so that you can make your friend’s day!
Working alongside your coworkers for a prolonged period can change the way you interact with your coworkers because, after some time, they are no longer just your colleague, they are also your friends. And we believe that there’s nothing better than a personalized gift to show appreciation for your co-worker. Check out some rather personal gifting ideas for women and your friends at work!
We know that it sounds boring, but if your co-worker loves tea (at all), they will surely appreciate the beauty and the class of making tea in a traditional set-up. And, they will obviously enjoy serving tea in a classic teapot - the perfect mixture of class and taste.
Decorating a space is hard, especially if it’s your office desk and you need to personalize it while keeping it professional (you never know when the boss might walk-in). Gifting your co-workers’ beautiful figurines of god, and adding some personal belongings can elevate the look of the desk while making it feel more personal!
Coming to the office can make you miss your friends and family. And if your co-worker has come moved to work from another town, they are bound to miss their friends and family more. You can gift your colleagues photo frames - a place to place the pictures of their loved ones!
Nature is everywhere- flowers, plants and pots are a big part of them. If your coworker loves nature (and they have told you about this), you can get the plants that they can place on their desks. Low maintenance planters housing a succulent? Now that’s a beauty!
Art can be incredibly personal- you have got people who love sculptures, others who love abstract paintings and yet another group of people who love minimalist art! You can easily gift the art-lovers a bunch of artistic little things to enhance their workspace.
The way people decorate things can be wildly different from others. There’s always a bunch of things that people like to put in their homes and decorative plates are one of them. You can give your colleague a bunch of really fancy and smart decorative plates to help them spruce their space up.
A good friend does not just know what you want, they also know what you need. And vice versa, you should know what your friend needs too! Here’s a list of things and Christmas gift ideas that anyone would always need.
Be it a kid or an adult, everyone sleeps on a bed. This means, that no matter the time, or day- everyone needs a bedsheet. Giving your co-workers a bedsheet, full of colours and patterns is a for sure way of giving them a gift that they will always remember you for.
Time runs the same for everybody, even when it feels slow or impossibly fast. So, being a secret Santa for someone (especially if they are often unbelievably late), you can gift them a watch in good humour. What’s life without all the fun!
One of the more important bits of daily use tableware- glasses and mugs can be a surprisingly sweet gift for people- especially if they are themed in accordance with what your co-worker loves! And if it just so happens that your co-worker loves a certain kind of drink, we have glassware for that as well!
Now, we know that this will sound odd, but there's no better way to show someone that you care for them by gifting them the office chair. If you know that your coworker is suffering the ill-effects of an ill-suited office chair, you could save him/her/them from a lot of pain.
A messy table, be it the dinner table or an office desk, can all make working difficult. If your friend from work is a messy person, you can give them a beautiful table organizer to help them clean the clutter!
Workplaces are notoriously famous for being a place where pens and pencils come to get lost. But a pen stand will surely help keep them all in one place. Now, how easy would that be?
Giving your coworker a Secret Santa Christmas gift is difficult, but it's not impossible. And with this customised list, it's even easier! You can just get them something they love or give them something generic- even a gift voucher would do! Regardless, secret Santa is supposed to be fun and you can make it so by adding a lot of mystery to who the secret Santa actually was!
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